Here we go; longer nights, colder mornings and sometimes, unfortunate surprises in the energy bills.
But it doesn’t have to be that way! There are lots of things you can do to maximise your home’s energy efficiency and therefore save yourself the pain of increased energy costs.
An efficient heating system is essential for keeping your home warm without over-spending. If your heating system is old, it’s worth getting it checked and considering investing in a new one.
Even if you have a good modern heating system, it’s a good idea to ensure you program it to heat to between 18C-20C on your thermostat. Even a little higher that can add a significant amount to your energy bills. You should also consider setting the timer on your heating system to ensure it’s only running when it needs to.
If you haven’t got a smart meter, call your energy supplier. They should fit one for you, and smart meters are a great way to keep track of what you’re spending.
Old, single glazed or draughty windows can be a significant drain on your home’s heat and massively increase your energy bills. If you have old windows, consider replacing them or at least inspecting the seals – bad windows can cost you hundreds of pounds extra every year. It’s worth doing the same for your doors too.
Even if you’ve got double or triple glazing, you can improve the energy efficiency even more by using your curtains efficiently. The sun’s the best heating source you have to keep them open during the day to let the sun warm your home, and then close them at night. You could
They may seem silly and insignificant, but keeping an eye on your activity day-to-day can save you a lot of money over the course of the season. Things like:
-Wear warmer clothes inside
-Only boil as much water as you need
-Don’t take long, indulgent showers
-Wash your clothes in big batches at 30 degrees (and avoid tumble drying!)
-After you’ve finished cooking leave your oven open as it cools, letting the excess heat warm your home
Any gaps – whether that’s around windows, doors, power sockets, light fittings or anything else – can cause draughts and heat loss. You should go around your home carefully checking and, where possible, performing DIY repairs using caulk, foam strips or expanding foam to seal them up. It may seem like a small thing, but this can make a big difference to your home’s energy efficiency.
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